Thursday, July 27, 2006

Ells Last Hurrah!!

As I sit here posting on this the wonderful blog my friends and I have created they are all chilling down at MidOhio Race Track waiting for the good times of vintage days to roll. I was scheduled to arrive there at about this exact time but I ran into a snag here at home. No, no, no, it's not mechanical, it's not work, and no my health is perfect, it's poor Sadie my dog of 11 years, she has been sick for 2 days now. I have 10 days of vacation waiting for me and I can't wait to join the good times but as for me now...I just wait. Sorry for my side track here on my post, but what this is really about is a fine young girl named Elle. Last weekend dude and I rode down to her dads house in Coshocton Ohio to camp, drink, swim, and eat in celebration of her opening the next chapter in her life, California! This place was on top of a hill, beautiful views, and man what a pool. Dude and I couldn't have asked for more. I wish her all the luck in the world, she will love it I know, and if you're ever out that way I'm sure you could drop in for the best vegan meal you ever had. Elle have fun, can't wait to visit, and thanks for the garage parking in Coshocton.

Stopped for a Smoke After Slabbing it

Early Morning Fog (could have been the beer)

Morning Coffee Tent Side

Mount Jeez Was Closed.....JEEZ

Some little Picnic Spot

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

True Love

Back when I was a kid with a snotty nose, grass stained knees and a rubberband-shooting pistol permanently affixed to the palm of my hand, I had an affinity for companionship; constantly and persistently begging Mom to let me stay out longer to play in the woods with the neighborhood kids. Back then, of course, I didn't know what relationships were and the only thing I knew of love was that feeling I had when I got a new bike, or cap gun, or fire truck. What I did know, was that I couldn't get enough time with my friends, and certainly wasn't happy with the amount of play time I was allowed. If I only knew then what a microcosmic metaphor that was for what the rest of life had in store.
Naturally as we grow up a bit, most of our friends begin to develop interests outside of aimlessly running around in the woods and riding our bikes around in circles in the driveway; so we drift apart and are forced to find our own proverbial "niches". I had no idea, at the time, that I would get so excited by motorcycles a little later in life; the thought had never really occurred to me, and for that matter, I didn't so much care. Suddenly, I was a sexual being, a pubescent teenager, and I didn't care much about anything except the new, weekly someone I was watching in the hallway between study hall and lunch. To say that I would acquiesce to this transition would naturally be an understatement; after all, human companionship is, usually, every bit as much human nature as eating, breathing and sleeping. It was, and continued to be what I was passionate about, longed for, and strived for.
Over the years that desire has faded a bit as the raging hormones racing through my veins started to slow to a steady and sensible pace. That's not to say, of course, that I have abandoned all kinship to human nature, it just doesn't seem so essential or necessitous these days.
It was fairly recently, though, that I did meet the love of my life; a companion whom I am confident will endure. It is, sometimes, a labor of love to keep our relationship running smoothly, and I admit that there are times at which I could communicate more fluently; after all, it is my input that dictates behavior. There are also times, however, when I should spend a little more time listening, rather than incessantly running around for the pure thrill of it. Taking care of my baby is undoubtedly a first priority as there is nothing I want more than continued and improving performance; you could even call it an obsession; it's a give and take, a balance, and the proverbial 'two way street'.
When we have good times (which is the vast majority of the time), it's blissful, and could even be described as godly, or perhaps more fittingly, orgasmic. My one and only is always on my mind, and spending time together has undeniably become cherished.
On occasion we do have a disagreement; even downright brawls, but as in any relationship, a little exercised patience and the willingness to listen, pay attention, and even communicate my thoughts fully, will eventually lead to a peaceful and understanding conclusion.

Perhaps faintly romanticizing this affair, the feeling that comes from our intense and fanatical alliance is one that I have not yet felt from any other.

Even as I contemplate the most effective words to use in description, I'm consistently faced with an incredible loss for words; I'm just not sure that true love can be expressed effectively. It's been attempted for years; the definition of love, and it's pretty well understood that it simply can't be done. There is no real protocol in love, and there most certainly are no rules; and though this relationship may appear unorthodox, it certainly cannot be denied.

And so, as we head out for the road for the first epic occasion, my mind is reeling with expectations of grandeur and transcendency. The journey will not, of course, reveal itself in so much majesty, as we do naturally tend to embellish our expectations. Nevertheless, my motorcycle and I will attempt to maintain the posture of true unbridled wanderlust and remain conscious of the intuitive recognition of quality in the human experience.

"It should not be denied...that being footloose has always exhilarated us. It is associated in our minds with escape from history and oppression and law and irksome obligations, with absolute freedom.." -Wallace Stegner

Monday, July 24, 2006

The Traveler

Well having traveled over 10,000 miles over 2-3 months Don finally returns to the good old Cleveburg. He happened to time his return perfectly, rode in just as dinner was being served, we had all gathered, and our ride was done. Funny I think he was planning it that way. I think he will have to start his own blog for his adventure, but first he needs something better than dial up. Dude, dial up is dead! Anyway, here are some shots, enjoy, if anyone even looks at this thing.

Tommy and Don

Don and His Bike

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Beer Me Bitch!

Well bike night almost had a full house, some people were absent but we were all there in the dream, working on the dream...drinking, smoking, and saying BEER ME BITCH! Sorry this is no philosophical post, involving deep thought, or hidden emotions but damn what fun!


Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Salvation Sunday

We don’t find it inside 4 walls, we don’t need stained glass, or hymns, and we surely don’t need to be read a story that has been translated into hundreds of versions, over thousands of years; no…all we need is the ride. Salvation is had by millions of people on Sunday, and it occurred to me that through riding and reading dudes posts here on AC Choppers that in fact I have been seeking salvation on Sunday too, it just comes in a much different form than how the rest of the population sees it and I’m truly blessed that I share these days and miles with some of the best guys around. When you find yourself leaned over in a turn, not sure you can hold the yellow line, you grab a handful of brakes and start to react, maybe your mind is saying stand it up, your body is leaning it over, and your nerves are shaking, nervous that you are over too far on this ancient thing to hold the line; what could be a better gathering of best friends in your mind than that. Riding does something for me from the second I put that helmet on, Velcro on those gloves, and tighten my jacket, the world becomes clear…open…and alive, everything is felt and seen, and every word I whisper, shouts back into my ear, and I love the solitude of that trance, but there is another side on the Salvation Ride and that’s the dudes I surround myself with. We fall into a grove, a pattern and feed from one rider to the next; The straightaway leads to speeds as open as the throttle will go, we stager out, alternating 5 deep and give each other room, a sign to the right indicates that a 25mph turn is approaching, we all down shift, keep speed till the last moment, and hit the brakes, fall in line and take the turn single file. We know what line we want, and all of us want that same line, it’s an unspoken rule of the fast lane…how we make the bike get from here to there as fast and smooth as possible. There are no radios, or intercoms, or hand signals here; just the road that drives us, we are merely passengers on this great ride, the ride for salvation…
