Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Salvation Sunday

We don’t find it inside 4 walls, we don’t need stained glass, or hymns, and we surely don’t need to be read a story that has been translated into hundreds of versions, over thousands of years; no…all we need is the ride. Salvation is had by millions of people on Sunday, and it occurred to me that through riding and reading dudes posts here on AC Choppers that in fact I have been seeking salvation on Sunday too, it just comes in a much different form than how the rest of the population sees it and I’m truly blessed that I share these days and miles with some of the best guys around. When you find yourself leaned over in a turn, not sure you can hold the yellow line, you grab a handful of brakes and start to react, maybe your mind is saying stand it up, your body is leaning it over, and your nerves are shaking, nervous that you are over too far on this ancient thing to hold the line; what could be a better gathering of best friends in your mind than that. Riding does something for me from the second I put that helmet on, Velcro on those gloves, and tighten my jacket, the world becomes clear…open…and alive, everything is felt and seen, and every word I whisper, shouts back into my ear, and I love the solitude of that trance, but there is another side on the Salvation Ride and that’s the dudes I surround myself with. We fall into a grove, a pattern and feed from one rider to the next; The straightaway leads to speeds as open as the throttle will go, we stager out, alternating 5 deep and give each other room, a sign to the right indicates that a 25mph turn is approaching, we all down shift, keep speed till the last moment, and hit the brakes, fall in line and take the turn single file. We know what line we want, and all of us want that same line, it’s an unspoken rule of the fast lane…how we make the bike get from here to there as fast and smooth as possible. There are no radios, or intercoms, or hand signals here; just the road that drives us, we are merely passengers on this great ride, the ride for salvation…



Blogger Doc said...

OH SOOOO COOL!! I know it must be a shit-load-a-work, but I can't wait to see more. I think the B/W format is perfect too.

9:55 PM  

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